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Get your business in the best possible shape for sale…

Entrepreneurs Hub have partnered with Value Builder to bring you some powerful tools that will help you begin the journey of preparing your business for sale, when you’re ready to go deeper we can set up a free, no-obligation meeting.

How saleable / valuable is my business?

Want to know how saleable your business is, how much it might be worth and how you can increase its value? Start with the Value Builder Score and get a full report which we can discuss with you at a time and place that is convenient for you.

Value Builder Score

Your Value Builder Score gives you a simple way of determining how saleable your business is accompanied by a useful guide valuation. Saleability is not a binary equation – every business can be sold, the question is whether it’s in the best shape to attract the best offers and help you achieve the exit you deserve.

In less than 15 minutes this questionnaire will guide you through an assessment of your business in 8 key value areas:

  • Financial Performance
  • Growth Potential
  • Independence
  • Cash Flow
  • Recurring Revenue
  • Market Uniqueness
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Reliance on Owner
  • PLUS: a guide valuation to help you put all of this into context

Get your value builder score today!

On behalf of the SIRE Technology and Bastion teams I would like to thank you and the entire Entrepreneurs Hub team for helping us take our businesses through the transaction and onto the next level.

It’s one thing to make a great pitch and another to deliver on that vision. I’m very happy to report that EH lived up to every aspect of the service that was pitched to us on day 1. We got “exactly what it said on the tin” so to speak. The team are clearly seasoned and experienced professionals in this field, they know all the pitfalls and “gotchas”, saw them coming and briefed us on what to expect and how act.

If I ever need to go through this process again, I will be using Entrepreneurs Hub without question!

Jason Bamford

Director, Sire Technology Ltd & GiBVault (Bastion Key)

Entrepreneurs Hub provided a skilled team with a comprehensive approach, but more importantly, they were empathetic and trustworthy partners. These attributes are vital in the journey to exiting well and selling the business.

Nadim Ednan-Laperouse OBE

Founder, WOW Toys Ltd

How saleable / valuable is my business?

So how saleable is your business, how much might it be worth and how can you increase its value? Start with the Value Builder Score…

Value Builder Score

We’d love to hear from you

Now you’ve learned a bit more about our services, please get in touch to find out how we can help you achieve your goals.