Other Services
Entrepreneurs Hub supports business owners through the complete business lifecycle with services that are designed for client success.
Whether you’re seeking to grow, looking to strengthen/build your executive team, or recruit a senior team member, the highly experienced Entrepreneurs Hub team, will support and guide you towards achieving your goals and aspirations.
Fundamentally, good business is all about strong leadership. Recruiting, developing, and retaining key staff is imperative to the success of most organisations – the better the leadership, the greater the results. Developing the leadership skills of the organisation and the individual is a continual process – building executive capability and capacity that can meet new challenges.
As well as ourselves holding Non-Executive directorships in a number of organisations, we have successfully placed outstanding full-time or interim leaders including Managing, Financial, HR, Sales and Marketing Directors.

Executive Development – coaching, mentoring and leadership training
Mentoring and supporting entrepreneurs is at the heart of what we do – empowering them to grow both themselves and their businesses. Mentorship serves as a catalyst for supporting entrepreneurship and leadership development.
That’s why Entrepreneurs Hub offers you off-site days and coaching so that you’re able to interact effectively and optimise communication, ensuring that your team is empowered to achieve better results.

Executive Recruitment Consultancy
Most business owners acknowledge that one of their biggest fears is making a mistake when recruiting key staff – even more so with leadership roles. So often, we hear statements like, ‘We thought that we had done everything we could to ensure we employed the right person, but….’. Remember that agencies can have an ulterior motive in encouraging you to employ their candidates.
Our team of experts specialise in the identification, attraction, development, and retention of executive talent. We have a range of proven services and training programmes, excelling in identifying outstanding talent beyond the horizon of normal recruitment services.

Interim Executives
There’ll always be times when the unexpected happens – a key member of staff leaves, goes off sick, or is simply not right for the role. Increasingly, businesses are using interim staff to cover short-term resource or skills gaps.
Bringing in external talent will allow you to quickly respond to customer needs, minimise lost opportunities, and tackle issues. Furthermore, having access to seasoned professionals like us – with hands-on expertise and a fresh pair of eyes – brings clarity and context to your situation. This, combined with the flexibility to start and stop the engagement without long-term, high and fixed employment costs, might be an appealing short to medium-term option for your business.

Non-Executive Directors
Non-Execs will add gravitas and breadth to an Executive Board and can quickly help to balance out personalities and skill sets. A Non-Executive Director is usually employed one to two days per month, or sometimes even as little as one day a quarter. They’ll be engaged in both Board meetings and strategic decisions.
Choosing the right Non-Exec is critical. The cost compared to benefit is usually very good value for money, since the hours they work are short, but the additional access you get to their experience can be invaluable.

Succession Planning
People are at the heart of your business while good leadership is vital to retaining and attracting talent. However, over time, your markets change, your expectations rise, and your organisation needs to adapt and adjust. To address this, owners often find themselves in unfamiliar territory. They need new skills, deeper job focus, and people with greater capacity. Often this can be anticipated and prepared for. Having good succession planning will allow your staff to step up to tackle new opportunities, whist giving you additional capacity as the leadership team changes.
Redesigning the leadership of your organisation becomes a necessity in fast-moving competitive times. Such redesign ensures robust operation, competitiveness, quality, business growth – and, of course, customer excellence. Many companies miss opportunities to refresh their organisational structure and therefore fail to gain benefits which accelerate additional commercial yields from their teams.
Entrepreneurs Hub can help you. With deep experience in succession planning and organisational design, we will empower your company to grow safely and securely. Our approach is straightforward, practical – and gives measurable results.

Managing Your Wealth
We can help you find ways to optimise your wealth. Smart entrepreneurs secure their future by making wise provisions. The key is to have a realistic plan and embark on that action plan at the earliest opportunity. Solid advice from qualified professionals who have excellent track records and backing from the leading investment houses is essential for your peace of mind. Doing this in a tax efficient way, with the support of individuals experienced in handling larger sums, is vital.
Do get in touch with the team at Entrepreneurs Hub to discover the ways in which we can help you. Maybe you would value a friendly obligation-free first discussion with one of our trusted wealth advisors, or a wider discussion about your business asset and how you might optimise your wealth through that asset.
We’d love to hear from you
Now you’ve learned a bit more about our services, please get in touch to find out how we can help you achieve your goals.