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EH Director receives High Sheriff Award on behalf of Basingstoke Street Pastors

The High Sheriff  of Hampshire Lady Louisa Portal recently presented awards to individuals and groups in Hampshire in recognition for their work in the community

Malcolm Murray, Director and Co-Founder of the Entrepreneurs Hub was delighted to attend the Hampshire High Sheriff Awards with some colleagues at the Great Hall in Winchester to accept an award on behalf of Basingstoke Street Pastors. The award was in recognition of great and valuable services to the community.

Malcolm has been the volunteer coordinator for Basingstoke Street Pastors since 2008. Street Pastors is made up of volunteers from churches in and around Basingstoke. there are over 20 churches working together in partnership with the Police and stakeholders involved in the night time economy.

Street Pastors are available on Friday evenings from 10.30pm until 3.30am  and Saturday evenings from 11pm until 4.30am  to care, help and listen to anyone who needs assistance. This could include walking a lone lady to a taxi, looking after someone who has had too much alcohol, calming a potentially aggressive situation. Giving out flip flops and lollipops and just being there for someone who needs to talk. They also operate the Basingstoke Safe Hub which is a place where someone who is unwell, hurt, feel vulnerable or just needing someone to talk to can go to for support.

Malcolm said “I was honoured to collect the award on behalf of Basingstoke Street Pastors  – This is an award for the team – I am very grateful to be part of a really dedicated team of volunteers who go out in all weathers to support and make a positive difference in our town”

Street Pastors is a National Initiative run by Ascension Trust with 250 areas and 13000 volunteers across the UK

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