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Business or life not where you would like it to be?

I cycle most weeks with my friend Paul – we both returned to cycling last year. Until recently I was definitely quicker on the hills. At the start of a hill Paul would often say ‘I will see you at the top’. We would compare average speed and I was normally one or two miles per hour faster than Paul. Well that was until last week! He is now nearly over two seconds faster than me and it’s not because I’ve become slower.

During our last ride, when I mentioned that I had noticed he had significantly improved, he said ‘my bike fit has really helped’. He continued to tell me that he had been to a specialist dealer for a complete review. They reviewed his riding position, his shoes, the position of his cleats, and the height of his saddle. They even electronically measured how he sits on the saddle and recommended he changed his saddle – which he did. It worked for him, he took some advice from the experts.

So how does this relate to business and life?

1. When we know something isn’t right, we must take time out to review it.
We need to review the situation, what can we change and what we can’t. Be clear on what you would like to achieve and where we would like to be.

2. Seek the advice of experts.
We don’t know what we don’t know. Seek out an adviser or coach who has the experience and the know-how to help you review your current situation, discuss your options, prepare a plan and help guide you through the journey. It can be a lonely road on your own.

3. We must be willing to listen to the advice and change.
A phrase I often quote is ‘if we do the same things we will achieve results’ which holds true if we are happy with the results and are achieving our goals. However, I regularly meet business owners who have been doing the same things for years and wonder why their business isn’t growing or the situation isn’t improving.

We must listen to the advice and be willing to change. If your business is under-performing or you are struggling to recruit good people, or having difficulty handling a certain situation, then seek out some support. Listen to the advice and try something different – not only will you be comforted by the fact that you have tried, but you might also be pleasantly surprised with the results.

Remember, my friend Paul sought some advice, listened to the recommendations and changed a few things. The changes weren’t huge but they definitely helped – he is now a lot faster and stronger than he was, and is ahead of me. I will certainly be having a bike fit in the next few weeks.

Maybe you could be achieving a lot more in your life, or elevating your business to the next level by recognising the need to seek some assistance from a trusted advisor, listening to the advice and be willing to change.

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